“Tokenization is the process of replacing sensitive data with unique identification symbols that retain all the essential information about the data without compromising its security”.
NOTE: The Fast Charge Payment Gateway offers FREE Tokenization Services for Payment Gateway Merchants using The Fast Charge Payment Gateway!
Payment card industry (PCI) standards do not allow full credit card or debit card numbers to be stored on a retailer’s credit card terminal, point-of-sale (POS) terminal, on its website, e-commerce system, or in its databases after a transaction. To be PCI compliant, merchants must install expensive end-to-end encryption systems or outsource their payment processing to a service provider who provides a “tokenization option.” The service provider handles the issuance of the token value and bears the responsibility for keeping the cardholder data locked down.
How does Tokenization work?
Tokens have no meaning by themselves and are useless to criminals if your company’s system is compromised in any way.
For example:
An actual card number 4133 9584 5472 6874 becomes the token value BADTAEGHV234AUD56874. Format emulating options are also available.
Because it is not “cardholder data,” a token can be safely transmitted through your network between various applications, databases and business processes while the sensitive data is securely stored and encrypted in the Fast Charge Payment Gateway.
The Fast Charge FREE Tokenization Service (Stored Profile) feature allows the merchant to process credit cards, debit cards and ACH transactions without the need to store sensitive and confidential customer information. Storing sensitive information requires secure servers, in addition to various certifications, and leaves you open to hackers. The User Profile will make the transaction experience safer for the merchant and easier for the customer.
Features include the ability to:
- Store Profile Transaction Types.
- Create and Store a Profile.
- Process a Transaction Using the Stored Profile.
- Delete a Stored Profile.
- Update the Stored Profile.
- Perform Pre-Authorizations, Sales and Capture.
- Issue Credits using the Stored Profile.
- Retrieve transaction results of the last transaction.
Depending on the implementation of a tokenization solution, tokens used within merchant systems and applications may not need the same level of security protection. Storing tokens instead of account numbers is one alternative that can help to reduce the amount of cardholder data in the environment, potentially reducing the merchant’s effort to implement PCI requirements.
The following key principles relate to the use of tokenization:
Tokenization solutions do not eliminate the need to maintain and validate PCI compliance, but they may simplify a merchant’s validation efforts by reducing the number of system components for which PCI DSS requirements apply.
Tokenization systems and processes must be protected with strong security controls and monitoring to ensure the continued effectiveness of those controls.
What are some examples of tokenization being used?
Google Wallet, Apple Pay, Android Pay, Amazon and PayPal all use tokenization to store customer payment cards for future transactions.
Tokenization can be implemented in isolation or in concert with data field encryption to help merchants eliminate the need to store sensitive cardholder data after authorization. Entities that properly implement and execute a tokenization process to support their payment functions may be able to reduce the scope, risks and costs associated with ongoing compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).
How Tokenization Works
Tokenization defines a process through which PAN data is replaced with a surrogate value known as a “token.” The security of an individual token relies on properties of uniqueness and the infeasibility to determine the original PAN knowing only the surrogate value. As a reference or surrogate value for the original PAN, a token can be used freely by systems and applications within a merchant environment.
Where properly implemented, tokenization allows merchants to limit the storage of cardholder data to within the tokenization system, potentially simplifying an entity’s assessment against the PCI DSS. As a reference or surrogate value for the original PAN, a token can be us ed by systems and applications within a merchant environment without having to consider the security implications associated with the use of cardholder data.
For credit card and debit card declines retail swiped transactions and e-commerce transactions may be treated differently at the processing network level.
Fast Charge will always return a standardized response code for each of your transactions. For e-commerce or card not, present transactions there are always 3 decline codes. Fast Charge will return the decline code with whatever description the card holder’s Bank returns.
To determine the reason for a declined transaction the following are the three decline codes for e-commerce transactions:
The first two numbers in the response code tells us where the decline comes from:
07 or 08: This decline is issued from the customer’s Bank
Example: DECLINED:0700240079
Example: DECLINED:0700560029 Declined: Call Processing Network
Note: The decline response may or may not have a reason passed back with the response. If there is no description passed back the customer will have to contact their issuing Bank for the reason they declined it.
11: A decline code that begins with “1” is issued by Fast Charge
Example: DECLINED:1101920001 “Invalid Expiration Date”:
Example: DECLINED:1103280308 “Address Does Not Match”
Note: This transaction has a reason passed back by the issuing Bank as “Invalid Expiration Date”.
30: A decline code that begins with “3” is issued by Fast Charge and is a system failure.
Example: Declined: 308741209 “Call fast Charge Support”
The retail response codes below “DO Not Always” apply to e-commerce transactions so please keep this in mind when determining the reason for a decline. We will try to match the retail response with e-commerce transactions, but we have found that these can be inaccurate some of the time!
Retail Terminal Decline Codes:
For retail swiped transactions there are many more decline codes possible. Here is a list of the most common for First Data and TSYS processing networks:
First Data:
01 Invalid Transmission Code
03 Terminal ID not setup for settlement on this Card Type
04 Terminal ID not setup for authorization on this Card Type
05 Invalid Card Expiration Date
06 Invalid Process Code, Authorization Type or Card Type
07 Invalid Transaction or Another Dollar Amount
08 Invalid Entry Mode
09 Invalid Card Present Flag
10 Invalid Customer Present Flag
11 Invalid Transaction Count Value
12 Invalid Terminal Type
13 Invalid Terminal Capability
14 Invalid Source ID
15 Invalid Summary ID
16 Invalid Mag Stripe Data
17 Invalid Invoice Number
18 Invalid Transaction Date or Time
19 Invalid Bankcard Merchant Number in First data Database
20 File Access Error in First Data Database
26 Terminal Flagged as Inactive in First Data Database
27 Invalid Merchant/Terminal ID Combination
30 Unrecoverable Database Error from an Authorization Process
31 Database Access Lock Encountered
33 Database Error in Summary Process
43 Transaction ID Invalid, Incorrect or Out of Sequence
51 Terminal Flagged as Not Useable (Violated) in First Data Database
54 Terminal ID Not Setup on First Data Database for Leased Line Access
57 Terminal is Not Programmed for This Service
59 Settle Trans for Summary ID where earlier Settle Trans still Open
60 Invalid Account Number found by Authorization Process
61 Invalid Settlement Data found in Summary Process (Trans level)
62 Invalid Settlement Data or a “Future” Date found in Summary Process (Summary level)
80 Invalid Payment Service data found in Summary Process (Trans Level)
98 General System Error
Response Text Response Code Definition AVS Result
(any) 00 Approved and completed. (any)
(any) 85 No reason to decline. (any)
Partial Approval 10 Partial approval for the authorized amount returned in Group III version 022 See the AVS Result code
“CALL” 01 Refer to issuer. 0
“CALL” 02 Refer to issuer – Special condition. 0
“NO REPLY” 28 File is temporarily unavailable. 0
“NO REPLY” 91 Issuer or switch unavailable. 0
“HOLD-CALL” or “PICK-UP CARD” 04 Pick up card. 0
“HOLD-CALL” or “PICK-UP CARD” 07 Pick up card – Special condition. 0
“HOLD-CALL” or “PICK-UP CARD” 41 Pick up card – Lost. 0
“HOLD-CALL” or “PICK-UP CARD” 43 Pick up card – Stolen. 0
“ACCT LENGTH ERR” EA Verification Error. 0
“ALREADY REVERSED” 79 Already reversed at switch. 0
“AMOUNT ERROR” 13 Invalid amounts. 0
“AMT ERROR” 13 Invalid amount 0
“CAN’T VERIFY PIN” 83 Cannot verify PIN. 0
“CAN’T VERIFY PIN” 86 Cannot verify PIN. 0
“CARD NO. ERROR” 14 Invalid card number. 0
“CASHBACK NOT APP” 82 Cashback limits exceeded. 0
“CASHBACK NOT AVL” N3 Cashback service not available. 0
“CHECK DIGIT ERR” EB Verification error. 0
“CID FORMAT ERROR” EC Verification error. 0
“DATE ERROR” 80 Invalid date. 0
“DECLINE” 05 Do not honor. 0
“DECLINE” 51 Insufficient funds. 0
“DECLINE” N4 Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit. 0
“DECLINE” 61 Exceeds withdrawal limit. 0
“DECLINE” 62 Invalid service code, restricted. 0
“DECLINE” 65 Activity limit exceeded. 0
“DECLINE” 93 Violation cannot complete. 0
“ENCRYPTION ERROR” 81 Cryptographic error. 0
“ERROR xxxx” 06 General error. 0
“(CHECK SERVICE CUSTOM TEXT)” 06* Error response text from check service. 0
“EXPIRED CARD” 54 Expired card. 0
“INVALID ROUTING” 92 Destination not found. 0
“INVALID TRANS” 12 Invalid transaction. 0
“NO ACCOUNT” 78 No account. 0
“NO ACTION TAKEN” 21 Unable to back out transaction. 0
“NO ACTION TAKEN” 76 Unable to locate, no match. 0
“NO ACTION TAKEN” 77 Inconsistent data, rev. or repeat. 0
“NO CHECK ACCOUNT” 52 No checking account. 0
“NO CREDIT ACCT” 39 No credit account. 0
“NO SAVE ACCOUNT” 53 No savings account. 0
“NO SUCH ISSUER” 15 No such issuer. 0
“PIN EXCEEDED” 75 PIN tries exceeded. 0
“RE ENTER” 19 Re-enter transaction. 0
“SEC VIOLATION” 63 Security violation. 0
“SERV NOT ALLOWED” 57 Transaction not permitted – Card. 0
“SERV NOT ALLOWED” 58 Transaction not permitted – Terminal. 0
SRCHG Not Allowed B1 Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards or EBT food stamps. 0
SRCHG Not Allowd B2 Surcharge amount not supported by debit network issuer. 0
Stop Recurring R0 Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment. 0
Stop Recurring R1 Customer requested stop of all recurring payments. 0
“SYSTEM ERROR” 96 System malfunction. 0
“TERM ID ERROR” 03 Invalid merchant ID. 0
“WRONG PIN” 55 Incorrect PIN. 0
“CVV2 MISMATCH” N7 CVV2 value supplied is invalid. 0
“xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” xx Undefined response. 0
Duplicate Trans 94 Unable to locate, no match 0
Approval T0 First check is OK and has been converted. 0
Cannot Convert T1 Check is OK but cannot be converted. This is a declined transaction. 0
Invalid ABA T2 Invalid ABA number, not an ACH participant. 0
Amount Error T3 Amount greater than the limit. 0
Unpaid Items T4 Unpaid items failed negative file check. 0
Duplicate Number T5 Duplicate check number. 0
MICR Error T6 MICR error.
Too Many Checks T7 Too many checks (over merchant or bank limit). 0
Approval 11 VIP approval See the AVS Result code
Approval 08 Honor MasterCard with ID See the AVS Result code
Activated 100 POS device authentication successful 0
Not Activated 101 POS device authentication not successful 0
POS ID Error 102 Could not validate MerchantId (POS ID) 0
Deactivated 103 POS device deactivation successful 0
Completed 200 Adjustment successful 0
Not Completed 201 Adjustment not successful o
The Fast Charge Payment Gateway automatically includes a FREE basic web link shopping cart wizard option with each gateway license. Sample Free Web Link Hosted Shopping Cart wizard demo
Fast Charge Web Link works in one of two ways: It either captures the necessary customer information (name, credit card number, etc.) from a merchant’s own secure transaction page, or it displays a customizable transaction page hosted on a Fast Charge secure server, for the customer to fill out.
The customer’s information is encrypted using 40- or 128-bit Secure Socket Layer technology and sent to a Fast Charge transaction server. The server sends the data through the authorization network to the appropriate card issuer’s bank, using a secure, proprietary connection.
When the authorization process is complete — this takes around five seconds — the customer receives an approval or decline response and the Fast Charge server stores the transaction. Transactions are automatically settled each day and are typically funded within two to three business days.
The simplest method for integrating with our gateway is by collecting consumer data via an HTML form and submitting the transaction to the gateway via an HTTPS Post. This form shows you all the data fields that can be collected for a credit card transaction. This form is also a good starting point if you are going to use one of the other integration methods because it demonstrates the data fields that will be required regardless of the method used to connect to the gateway. Use this test form to familiarize yourself with the Fast Charge gateway, then implement the integration that best fits your application. Note: Hosting your own payment form requires that you install an SSL certificate on your server to ensure that card data transmissions are secure.
The simplest method for integrating with our gateway is by collecting consumer data via an HTML form and submitting the transaction to the gateway via an HTTPS Post. This form shows you all the data fields that can be collected for a credit card transaction. This form is also a good starting point if you are going to use one of the other integration methods because it demonstrates the data fields that will be required regardless of the method used to connect to the gateway. Use this test form to familiarize yourself with the Fast Charge gateway, then implement the integration that best fits your application. Note: Hosting your own payment form requires that you install an SSL certificate on your server to ensure that card data transmissions are secure.
The Fast Charge payment gateway supports processing of automated (scheduled) recurring payments. Setting up a new recurring payment requires just a few fields (in addition to the standard consumer payment information). Once the transaction information is sent to Fast Charge, the system will automatically take care of all future payments based on start date, end date and payment period (e.g. weekly, monthly, twice-yearly, etc.). This sample HTML form demonstrates how to submit a transaction to the payment gateway that will be automatically billed for the amount and frequency you specify
The Fast Charge payment gateway offers a simple hosted shopping cart solution that can be easily incorporated into an existing web site. This option is for merchants who do not have their own shopping cart, or do not want to go through the complexity or expense of installing a secure certificate (SSL) on their web site. This sample page shows several ways of displaying a “Buy It” link on your web site. Clicking on any of the payment buttons will transfer you to our secure check-out screen to complete the check-out and payment steps. Payment methods, shipping options, and tax calculations are all configurable within the Online Merchant Center. For example, you can configure taxes for individual states. You can also configure various shipping charges for domestic, international and premium rates such as USPS, FedEx, and UPS. To configure your tax and shipping criteria, use the Tax and Shipping Manager sections within Online Merchant Center under the Merchant Configuration Menu. For detailed instructions, refer to the Online Commerce Suite Integration Guide.
The Fast Charge Membership system allows merchants to sell and maintain memberships or subscriptions to their website and/or organization. The signup page consumers use to purchase the subscription can be hosted on your site, or you can use our customizable secure hosted signup page. This link displays a sample using our secure hosted site. The subscription plans, payment types, and color scheme are all configurable using the Membership menu options within the Online Merchant Center. For detailed instructions, refer to the Online Commerce Suite Membership Guide. Membership services are an add-on product, and you may be charged additional fees. Contact your reseller or customer service for more information.
Merchants can check the status of transactions or run reports on past activity by going to the Fast Charge Web site and logging on to their own password-protected Fast Charge site. Online businesses also can use the Fast Charge Virtual Terminal to enter payment information manually if customers prefer to call in their credit card information.
Linking a merchant’s Web site to the Fast Charge Fast Charge Web Link system is simple. The merchant’s Web site designer or developer simply inserts a few lines of HTML code (which we provide) onto the transaction page. Fast Charge supports most available shopping cart software, so it integrates easily with most e-commerce solutions.
Locate the Authorize.Net Aim Payment Module in your shopping cart and change the POST TO™ URL FROM: TO: Depending on the shopping cart and its payment module you may need to change the post to URL in 1,2 or 3 places. It’s best to find the AIM payment module and then change it everywhere in this file. Here’s a tip, do a search in the AIM file for “. dllâ€? to help you find the URLs to replace with the emulator URL.
Admin Settings:
Login to your Admin Panel and open the “Payment Methods” setting for Authorize net. If it gives you a choice select the AIM module because this will allow customers to stay on your site when they purchase from you. Once you get to the settings you can enter the following information:
API Login ID: This is your fast charge Account ID (FCXXX)
Transaction Key: This is your Fast charge “Merchant Pin”
Mode: We always suggest “Live Mode or Production Mode”
Gateway URL: If you have this option enter
MD5 Hash: We now ignore this, but you can enter “7gt77lyst555r7677yt”
Authorize or Capture: We recommend you select Authorize and Capture
Merchants can check the status of transactions or run reports on past activity by going to the Fast Charge Web site and logging on to their own password-protected Fast Charge site. Online businesses also can use the Fast Charge Virtual Terminal to enter payment information manually if customers prefer to call in their credit card information.
Linking a merchant’s Web site to the Fast Charge Fast Charge Web Link system is simple. The merchant’s Web site designer or developer simply inserts a few lines of HTML code (which we provide) onto the transaction page. Fast Charge supports most available shopping cart software, so it integrates easily with most e-commerce solutions.
- 123 Shop Pro
- Corporation
- 2DEG
- 3dCart
- 3rd Coast Webs
- A Web for You
- Able Commerce
- Able Designer
- Advanced eMedia
- a Member PRO
- Americart
- Antal Media
- Antigua Web Designs
- Applied Tech NC
- The Artful Spider
- aSecureCart
- AspDotNetStorefront Cart
- Austin C Jenkins (ACJ) Design
- BB Design
- BNS West
- Business Demographics, Inc
- Cart Manager
- Cart32
- Cartmods
- CEC Systems
- Cf_ezcart
- Coastal Web Online
- Comersus
- Commerce.cgi
- Contriv Design, Inc
- CRE Secure
- Danise
- Decision Tree Consulting
- DesignCart
- Designer Web Solutions
- Details AMD
- DevCompany
- Digital Charis
- Draztik Dezignz
- Earth Skater
- InstanteStore
- Mal’s e-Commerce
- Mirage Shopping
- Miva Merchant
- MyCart
- MyTechSupport
- .Net Cart
- NetStores
- Next Effect
- Nittany Web Works
- OpenCart
- Open Design
- osCommerce
- Page Technology
- PDG Software, Inc.
- Pinnacle Cart
- Portline
- Practical Business Systems
- QuikStore
- Quinncom
- Randa Solutions
- Rapid Merchant
- Real Soft
- RealCart
- RMS Cart
- ROI Media Group
- RPB Advisors
- SalesCart
- Schipul Technologies
- SG Design Group
- Shop-Script
- Side Street Shop
- Small Planet Marketing
- SmartWin Technology
- Source Publications
- Squirrel Cart
- StoreFront 2000
- SunShop Shopping Cart
- SurfNet Corporation
- e.cats
- ecommerce Templates
- ECware Corporation
- eMerchant Integrations
- Enter-Link
- eWebsite Online
- Fasturtle Technologies, LLC
- Freedom Networking Solutions
- Studios
- Gravity Factor
- Honeybee Graphics
- Hostwork International
- iisCart
- J Street Technology
- JShop Professional
- Kickasp
- King Cart Services
- Magento
- Shopify
- Syminet
- Synergyx
- Tanner Creative
- Trumpet Marketing Group
- Turnkey Web Tools
- Ultra
- Veracart
- Vibralogix
- Virtuemart
- VNet Software
- Volusion
- WebAsyst
- WebCreators, Inc.
- Web Designs LA
- WooCommerce
- xAuthorize, LLC
- X-Cart
- Zen Cart
Start accepting credit card payments with your WooCommerce store today. Quickly and safely integrate your WooCommerce shopping cart platform with the Fast Charge Payment Gateway with this plugin
Build and manage your online store with a shopping cart software that’s full of easy-to-use tools – no programming skills required. Give your site a design that’s sure to impress. Simply apply your favorite template with just a click of the mouse.
Instructions for setting up Volusion:
Login to your Volusion Admin
Under gateways select “other”
Type in “Merchantpartners”
Custom Field #1: Enter Your Fast Charge Account ID (FCxxx)
Custom Field #2: Enter Your Merchant Pin Number (You can find this under your FRISK settings in Fast Charge)
Custom Field #3: Leave Blank
Click Save/Update and you’re all set up
Oscommerce is the original open source shopping cart and has 60,000 custom addons developed by users. We used to recommend Oscommerce until we received so much good feedback about Zen cart. The difference between oscommerce and Zen cart is that Zen cart comes with many bells and whistles already installed. Oscommerce has more addons but most of them require advanced coding which the average merchant has trouble with.
VirtueMart is a very “hot” Open Source E-Commerce solution to be used together with a Content Management System (CMS) called Joomla! Joomla! and VirtueMart are written in PHP and can be used in typical PHP/MySQL environments. VirtueMart is what the pros use instead of WordPress for their content delivery and database management. To use the Fast charge Payment Gateway with Virtuemart/Joomla there are several options. There is a free module on the Virtuemart support forum, a paid “one click” module for a small fee and the option to use the authnet emulator.
Magento is a “free to install” cart that has many features available and is used by many very large companies. It started as an open source shopping cart that has evolved into a pay as you go cart. If a merchant downloads or installs Magento they need to have advanced programming skills or be prepared to pay them for help. We only recommend them because their order management system for larger companies highly recommended by direct marketing, direct mail and very large companies. Magento has the ability receive direct feeds from UPS or FedEx for package tracking and returns etc.